Maya vs Blender
I started Following lesion modelling in Maya but after struggling to quickly and effectively get the shapes i wanted I moved over to using Blender for the most part. I found moving between software’s helped me stay motivated when tackling a problem and prevented me from hitting a block when face with frustration.
I started to create the Shade of my character by extruding and subdividing a cylinder. tracing front and side profile images I had drawn in paint tool sai. creating holes where the eyes would be, making sure the edge flow round the eyes flows around the eye. If i where to do this again i would work off a edge smoothed cube as the cylinder object has an irregular number of sides (over 4) on the two apposing faces.

The normal on the tip of the beak where also inverted so selecting a reversing that the shading was fixed.

Character Designing
In setting out to create our own characters that we will later rig and animate in Maya or blender I created a board of themes id like to explore consisting of images taken of google and a couple doodles I made getting familiar with a drawing tablet and shapes.

I didn’t choose the bee life, the bee life chose me. Bee’s have ended up representing me in life and online in a highly creative wink at my name. So I looked at the shapes that made up the Hymenoptera order of insects, circles coming down to a triangle. I played with the descript similarities to the heart symbol and there connection to a monarch, a Queen. looking a dresses, particularly ones that i could incorporate insect wings into the design.

I selected these3 designs to develop because I felt that they conveyed more character in their expressions and appearance I also went in with the .