Sheffield Trip.

As a trip We visited Sheffield to meet with Howard of “Friends of Wardsend Cemeter” who was are guide and contact. it took as 2 hours each way to get there and we manged to get most things done in our 4 hour time period. Visiting both the cemetery and the museum.

it was a nice but overcast day. so i made a passing comment on how it would have been the perfect weather for photo scanning the environment. Kamila then let me know she had a ipad pro with Li-dar and let me install poly cam. I made 2 models with the app 1 of the slope of the bank and path where i thought the painting was painted. also one of the grave commemorating the man who died playing football.

these could potentially be used as reference or as elements for are project.

I often neglect to remember that those involved in the cemetery have no prior Esperance or understanding of technologies involving and included in VR.

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