Robot Multiplayer
Robot Reflections
Robot character controller
Robot Recap
it’s coming up to a month and Iv primarily been working on Getting the Robot to be controlled. Following “VR Andrews tutorial.
The tutorial however was made pre action input system and as i don’t want to focus my learning on old methods just for them to become out dated I want to look into. So I will look to incorporate the new input system into Andrews script bellow.
I First tried to attach a second XR locomotion system to my robot. this would move the robot at the same time as the character however came with some weird edge cases because it referenced the player locomotion and trying switch off the component without invers from the players causes the robot to disappear.

Sheffield Trip.
As a trip We visited Sheffield to meet with Howard of “Friends of Wardsend Cemeter” who was are guide and contact. it took as 2 hours each way to get there and we manged to get most things done in our 4 hour time period. Visiting both the cemetery and the museum.
it was a nice but overcast day. so i made a passing comment on how it would have been the perfect weather for photo scanning the environment. Kamila then let me know she had a ipad pro with Li-dar and let me install poly cam. I made 2 models with the app 1 of the slope of the bank and path where i thought the painting was painted. also one of the grave commemorating the man who died playing football.
these could potentially be used as reference or as elements for are project.

I often neglect to remember that those involved in the cemetery have no prior Esperance or understanding of technologies involving and included in VR.