Change in perspective

At the end of last project I wrote up a project proposal that goes into more detail about what this might be. Maybe focusing more on telling a story and work that would be able to be submitted to film festivals with VR categories like the Aesthetica film festival I worked in November 2021. With a goal in researching different ways to change the VR users perspective.
Yo-Yo/conkers rhythm game

Beatsaber and recently pistol whip. VRchat fidget toys intimacy and dance, cooperative multiplayer. OSU, Tetris effect. I found using these spring joint fidget toys that select vrchat avatars have on them rather entertaining and make use of VR’s functionality very well. I had a rather zen and intimate moment with someone in VRchat where we danced are fidgets around each other in something similar to a orbital pattern. But have also been catching up online finding work that old school friends had been doing and have become a fan of a friends music and could fit a more fast pace and intense rhythm game. focusing on game theory like flow state.
2nd person* Robot Fighting

From memories of being very drawn to the rock em sock em robots game as a kid and very disappointed to find out it was less interactive than a thumb-wrestling or game of rock paper scissors. id like to explore the game deign behind Moss like games that I wrote In last years essay on “VR’s 2nd person perspective”. Id also like to use this as a space to explore multiplayer in Unity . I find this idea to be the most scalable and have the largest room for experimentation.