
I found this great recourse of colour meanings on Colour can go beyond what colours compliment each other and another layer of skill is to incorporate
- VR In tandem with film has the overall look and feel shaped by people incharge of set design, costume design, composition and cinematography. Its been metioned before but the actual framing of a shot in VR is far more subjective than that of film due to the ability for VR’s audiance to be free to move ther
- looking at how a productions design can change its themes and feel of the production
- Does your audience understand your character and how quickly can they do so. tell this through how they have interacted with there environment

- Example. we looke at how promotional art for”Gloomy eyes” promotional image used the rule of thirds to create. However we didn’t realy dive into how this differs when craeting a immersive world rather that 360 contains multiple instances of the rule and how. an element on the right of a frame can be easly view on the left of the audiances view with the audiance having controll of the camera. This requires the worlds to be desingended in a way to considers foot trafic and things that draw the players attention creating paths, lighting, sound that draws the users attention to composed sense within the environment that adhere to an aesthetic design principle.
I found this diagram presenting conflict in literature made by u/Are_We_Cooleo on Reddit using league of legends storylines.